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 Interview with Susan 


How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to be a Business Intuitive?

I started formal intuition studies in 1992 with a class in clairvoyance (clear seeing) from a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute. Shortly thereafter I began doing intuitive readings for others while I continued to study and expand my intuitive senses.
After I had been doing general intuitive readings and teaching intuition for a few years I ran across an audio program by Caroline Myss called Why People Don’t Heal where I was first introduced to the concept of – and was fascinated by - Medical Intuition (helping uncover the underlying cause of health challenges). I took a few courses with Caroline Myss, Ph.D. and Dr. Norman Shealy. I then studied more extensively with Carol Ritberger, Ph.D. where I earned my Masters in Intuitive Diagnosis (MID) and Ph.D. in Esoteric Philosophy and Hermetic Science from the Ritberger Institute. During that time my focus shifted to providing primarily medical intuition consultation services. I also studied with Lori Wilson of Canada and through her company Inner Access 101™ and was certified in her style of medical intuition called Medical Intuition: Lori Wilson's Total Body Intuition™.
Then in 2006 two things occurred that shifted my primary passion and focus to Business Intuition. My medical intuition clients were often so happy with their expanding health and wellness that they began to ask “Can you do something like this for my business too?”  Sometimes they’d just segue into questions about their business after they received the answers they were looking for about their health. I also began to participate in an international women's business networking organization ( where I met a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners who were struggling with creating or expanding their business.
Since my focus has shifted to Business Intuition I’ve done thousands of Business Intuition Consultations, helping entrepreneurs and business owners expand their business quicker and easier doing work they love, and helping generate a soul-based business revolution.
 I am also certified as a trainer by Lori Wilson, Inner Access 101™ to teach Sales Intuition 101™ and Business Intuition for Professionals.
So what exactly is Business Intuitive and how does Business Intuition work?
A Business Intuitive is like being a business consultant with X-Ray eyes - providing a portrait of what is going on in your business as well as possibilities and potentials that include where you can maximize your business to move it forward, and how to resolve challenges. I tune directly into the Innate Intelligence of your business for the answers that are very practical and specific to you and your business. Your Answers - Your Way!  Answers and potentials usually include a clearer vision, specific strategies and prioritized action steps. It provides a roadmap for business direction, decision making, planning, implementation, and growth.
You can also think of a Business Intuitive as a combination of intuitive search engine and GPS rolled into one. Instead of using a computer (the access method) to search the internet for answers (content), I use my well-honed intuition as the access method along with my business acumen from 20+ years in corporate America, to search your business for the answers that are unique and optimal for you. I access the answers you are looking for - as well as ones you may not have even thought of - and provide a clear and practical roadmap for how to get from where you are to where you desire to be.
Business Intuition can help you:
  • Gain clarity, focus, and confidence
  • Enhance vision and creativity
  • Validate business direction
  • Make optimal business decisions quicker and easier
  • Save time and save money
 A few examples of areas of business that can benefit from Business Intuition include:
  • Vision and mission
  • Strategic and Tactical Planning
  • Market niche definition or expansion
  • Products and services potential
  • Products and services packaging potential
  • Sales and marketing
  • Staff hiring and optimization
How does Business Intuition differ from coaching?
First, I believe coaching is extremely valuable. I have several different types of coaches myself and plan to continue to have coaches.
The main thing that makes Business Intuition different is that the results are immediate - so the tangible benefits also start immediately. Rather than spending time getting to know you or your business history before being fully effective, by accessing the Innate Intelligence of your business directly, clients can receive immediate answers including a clearer vision, specific strategies and prioritized action steps to create or expand their business.
Each client’s circumstances, what they desire to create or expand, and their challenges are different, so rather than take all clients through a similar step by step process, I laser focus directly on what is most important to you and your unique business. Another way to think about it is: Your business has a mind of its own. Would you like to know what it has to say?
Who are your clients exactly?
My clients are entrepreneurs and business professionals and owners who desire to get clarity and focus, expand their business, and resolve challenges quicker and easier. They are located across the U.S. and internationally (I work online), and come from many different professions and industries including:
Sales / Sales Trainer / Sales Consultant / Lawyer / Lobbyist / Retail
Financial planner / Bookkeeper / Accounting / CPA / Chief Financial Officer
Real Estate Agent / Broker / Non-profit founder and Executive Director / CEO
Spa owner / Medical Spa owner / Perfumer / Esthetician / Makeup artist
High Performance Coach / Executive Coach / Money Coach
Technology Consultant / Technology Sales / Professional Organizers
Hypnotherapist / Massage Therapist / Neuromuscular Therapist / Cranialsacral Therapist / Holistic Health Counselor / Aromatherapy Practitioner
Intuitive / Medical Intuitive / Transformational & Reconnective Healing Practitioners
Teacher / Tutor / Educator / Trainer / Dale Carnegie Trainer
Web designer / Developer / Virtual Assistant
Photographer / Graphic Artist / Graphic Designer / Symbolist / Graphic Facilitator
Consultant / Organizational Consultant / Strategic Consultant / Recruiter
Hair Stylist / Nutritionist / Nutritional Products Distributor / Yoga Instructor
Customer Service Specialist / Client Retention Specialist
Landscape Services / Construction / Funeral / Mortuary Services
Author / Publisher / Professional Speaker
Multi-level Marketer / Hotel / Hospitality Industry Executive
Nurse / Doctor / Psychotherapist / Chiropractor / Medical Billing
Radio Personality / Reverend / Minister / Shaman / Astrologer
Interior Designer / Caterer / Event Planner
Networking Specialist / Networking Organization Founder
IT Specialist / Consultant / Social Media / Blogging Specialist
Marketing Services / Copywriters / Copyeditor / Media expert / PR specialist
Automotive Repair Shop Owner / Divorce Mediator / Divorce Specialist
Business technology startup
And many more
What happens if you haven’t yet worked with people in my field?
Although it can be reassuring to know that I’ve worked with people in your field, since I’m tapping directly into the Innate Intelligence of your business for answers that are unique to you, it doesn’t matter if I’ve worked with someone in your field or profession before. Even if I have, your answers are VERY likely to be different than anyone else’s.
What type of people get the best results from working with you?
My Business Intuition services are for people who are passionate, serious and open to taking new action to get new results. Being a high achieving entrepreneur and business owner myself, I’m known to work best with other high achieving entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to be in action and want laser clarity and focus and to know exactly what practical steps to take to create or expand their business.
Many of my clients are multi-preneurs (people who have multiple businesses) who are looking for clarity on which of their ideas has the most revenue generating potential and how they can serve more people.
Those who get the best results understand the importance of budgeting for personal and professional development as regular part of their annual business plan and budget.
Also, people who are open to expanding their own intuition as a valuable business resource – a side benefit of our work together – get the best results.
For what type of professional is Business Intuition Services NOT going to work?
Please know that I have a brief conversation (by phone or email) to ensure the services I offer are a good fit for what the client is looking to achieve. If we agree its not the best fit (the client is looking for other types of support), I have a large resource pool of colleagues and can often refer them to someone else.
My services are not for those who want to keep doing the same thing and expect a different result, or who are not ready to be in action.
My services are not for those who have no money coming in and are financially desperate. I find that people in financial crisis are so busy worrying or trying to do more of what they are already doing that they just get more overwhelmed with a bigger, clearer vision and specific strategies because it seems to them like just more to do. My purpose is to be part of your business success acceleration team, but if you are consumed with worry about how you are going to pay your rent/mortgage, it is very hard to be open and focus on new possibilities and potentials in your business. Many have been there and are now ready to proceeded with building thriving businesses, so I’m here for you when you are ready to invest in yourself and your business.
In the mean time, here are some free resources you can access from my home page to help you get started expanding your intuition in business for clarity and results:
Does this really work?
Yes! The results of our work together provide you with a clear and practical roadmap with which you can more quickly and easily create or expand your business (See Client Success Stories AKA Testimonials).
Can I contact some of your former clients to see what it’s like to work with you?
Please read this interview in its entirety and the Client Success Stories (AKA Testimonials) first, then if you would still like to speak with some current or former clients you can contact me at 916-397-5800 and I’ll be happy to connect them with you.
How quickly can I expect results?
Clients experience immediate results during their first consultation due to the clarity and focus they receive. Clients often express that they feel better during their initial - and every - consultation because of receiving more clarity, focus and confidence. Then as they implement the clearer vision, specific strategies, and prioritized action steps they continue to realize tangible results in business.
How will we work together and what do your packages entail?
Each Intuitive Business Accelerator consultation is an hour. You’ll come prepared with any specific questions (what you desire to create, change or release), challenges, or topics for which you’d like intuitive insight. We pose your questions, challenges, or topics directly to the Innate Intelligence of your business and get right to work getting immediate answers unique to you and your business.
I record what comes forward both by digital MP3 audio recording as well as drawing and writing visuals that go along with the audio. At the end of the consultation you have both audio and a written Business Intelligence Profile that is your visual roadmap that includes your Core Theme and Path Forward.  Clients indicate they get even more benefits and results when they listen to the audio again while viewing the visuals.
Once your consultation(s) are scheduled (I'll need to know your time zone - I'm in Pacific Time), you’ll receive a confirmation email with instructions on how we’ll connect online for your appointments. This way you can see the visuals as they unfold. By the way, I get just as much information remotely (online) as I would if you were sitting across a desk from me. The important thing is to be in a place where you can focus and will not be interrupted, and have a large computer screen so you can see the visuals unfold effectively.
The Business Intuition Consultation packages also include occasional access to me by phone or email between consultations if you have a brief question or challenge for which you’d like intuitive insights.
For Business Intuition Consultation packages and pricing, please click here.
How long is the program?
I offer single Intuitive Business Accelerator Consultations or a package of 3 Intuitive Business Accelerator Consultations based on how serious you are about being in action creating or expanding your business.  If clients are not making the time to make progress on their Path Forward (strategies and tactics their business is advising), I recommend they work with a virtual assistant or project manager for a while to get some progress, then return for more consultations with me when they want additional clarity, strategy and tactics.

I also offer VIP half day and VIP full day consultations for those who really want to quickly jumpstart their clarity, certainty and path forward.
Package clients usually schedule their consultations monthly, depending on how quickly they want to launch or grow their business.  Others in a hurry schedule every 2 weeks, and some clients who have been working with me for years schedule a quarterly check-in.
Do people ever re-up?
Yes, clients regularly re-up. Once they experience the value of working together, they desire to keep the insights, clarity and momentum going while they develop or expand their business.  The majority of my clients are repeat package clients.  I also have clients who have such a specific question or issue that it is transformed in the first session...although I usually hear from them again later for support on other questions or issues.
Do you accept credit cards?
Although to be honest I prefer a check (so I don't have to pay the credit card fees), I do accept credit cards over the phone or via PayPal on my web site.   Your investment in yourself and your business (your payment) is made prior to your consultation, as it holds your appointment date and time as well as begins the transformation / acceleration process.
How do I we get started?
Congratulations on being ready to invest in yourself and your business! You can pay for your package online with a credit card using PayPal or call me with your credit card info. Once your payment has been processed, and your consent form submitted we’ll schedule your appointment(s).

I can’t wait to be part of your Soul Team and support the acceleration of your business success!
I’m ready to invest in myself and my business, but I have a few additional questions. Can I call you?
That’s great that you are ready for a clearer vision and specific strategies on how to jump start your business. Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just contact me or call me directly at 916-397-5800. I can’t wait to see your business expand and I’m honored to be able to help your business benefit from immediate results.

©2020 WINtuition, Susan Rueppel, Destiny Doula - All Rights Reserved-